What is that you actually do?

  • Mostly - identify parts of your spine that are not moving the way that they should which may result in irritating the nearby structures - such as nerves and muscles.

  • We help to get the spine to move better. Doing so can remove irritation to the nearby structures.

How will that help me?

  • If a nerve is irritated - it doesn't work as well as what it should. It can result in pain, or a loss of function. Restoring movement & decreasing the irritation can help to ease pain and restore function.

I think it's the muscle... How can that help the muscle?

  • If the nerve that supplies the muscle is irritated - it may cause the muscle to work too much, or too little. Either way is not good for the body. The muscle will work better when the nerve works better.

  • It may just be the muscle that is injured, we have treatments apart from spinal adjustments that can help.

Do adjustments hurt?

  • Well it can be a little tender sometimes - especially if you are tender in the area we have to adjust in. It can also feel a little achey afterwards (especially after your first adjustment), but it settles quickly.

What's the cracking sound?

  • It's just a change in pressure in the joints.

  • It's not bones crunching or grinding together!

Do you adjust children? Why do you adjust children?

  • Currently we do not treat children under the age of 2 years of age.

  • Where appropriate we adjust children. The Chiropractor is happy to discuss with you with regards to if chiropractic may be of assistance.